Sankcijų sąrašai
24.10.2024 04:19:33

Tibisay Lucena Ramirez


Tipas Individas
Lytis Moteris
Sąrašo pavadinimas Jungtinė Karalystė
Programos (1) Venezuela
Įtraukimo į sąrašą data (1) 22.01.2018
Pastaba President of the National Electoral Council

Vardai/Pavadinimai (2)

Pavardė/Vardas Lucena Ramirez
Vardas/Pavadinimas Tibisay
Visas vardas/Pavadinimas Tibisay Lucena Ramirez
Tipas Vardas
Apibūdinimas (1) Minister of University Education (since Oct 2021) (2) Former President of the National Electoral Council (CNE) (3) Former Rector of the National Experimental University of the Arts (UNEARTE)
Pastaba President
Visas vardas/Pavadinimas Tibisay Lucena Ramírez
Tipas Ne lotyniškas raštas

Tautybės (1)

Šalis VE

Adresai (1)

Šalis VE

Gimimo data (1)

Gimimo data

Pateisinimas (3)

Currently Minister of University Education and former President of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral – CNE). As CNE President between April 2006 – June 2020, her actions and policies have undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, including by failing to ensure that the CNE remains an impartial and independent institution in accordance with the Venezuelan Constitution thereby facilitating the establishment of the Constituent Assembly and the re-election of Nicolás Maduro in May 2018 through presidential elections that were neither free nor fair.
Currently Minister of University Education and former President of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral – CNE). As CNE President between April 2006 – June 2020, her actions and policies have undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, including by failing to ensure that the CNE remains an impartial and independent institution in accordance with the Venezuelan Constitution thereby facilitating the establishment of the Constituent Assembly and the re-election of Nicolás Maduro in May 2018 through presidential elections that were neither free nor fair.
President of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral – CNE).Her actions and policies have undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, including by failing to ensure that the CNE remains an impartial and independent institution in accordance with the Venezuelan Constitution thereby facilitating the establishment of the Constituent Assembly and the re-election of Nicolás Maduro in May 2018 through presidential elections that were neither free nor fair.

Istorinė data

Vardai/Pavadinimai (2)

Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 29.01.2022 05:15)
Pavardė/Vardas Lucena Ramirez
Vardas/Pavadinimas Tibisay
Visas vardas/Pavadinimas Lucena Ramirez Tibisay
Tipas Pagrindinis slapyvardis
Apibūdinimas President of the National Electoral Council
Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 28.02.2022 05:16)
Pavardė/Vardas Lucena Ramirez
Vardas/Pavadinimas Tibisay
Visas vardas/Pavadinimas President Lucena Ramirez Tibisay
Tipas Pagrindinis slapyvardis
Apibūdinimas (1) Minister of University Education (since Oct 2021) (2) Former President of the National Electoral Council (CNE) (3) Former Rector of the National Experimental University of the Arts (UNEARTE)
Pastaba President

Tautybės (1)

Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 28.02.2022 05:16)
Šalis VE

Adresai (1)

Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 28.02.2022 05:16)
Šalis VE
Pilnas adresas Caracas Venezuela

Gimimo data (1)

Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 28.02.2022 05:16)
Gimimo data

Asmens tapatybę patvirtinantys dokumentai (1)

Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 28.02.2022 05:16)
Tipas Further Identifiying Information: President of the National Electoral Council
Atkurta: 24.10.2024. 03:15
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