Sankcijų sąrašai
26.10.2024 05:42:52

Anselem Nhamo SANYATWE


Tipas Individas
Lytis Vyras
Sąrašo pavadinimas Jungtinė Karalystė
Programos (1) Zimbabwe
Įtraukimo į sąrašą data (1) 01.02.2021

Vardai/Pavadinimai (1)

Pavardė/Vardas SANYATWE
Vardas/Pavadinimas Anselem
Antrasis vardas/Vardas Nhamo
Visas vardas/Pavadinimas Anselem Nhamo SANYATWE
Tipas Vardas
Apibūdinimas (1) Zimbabwe Ambassador to Tanzania (2) Formerly Brigadier General, Commander of the Presidential Guard and Tactical Commander of the National Reaction Force (3) Formerly army General
Pastaba Major General

Tautybės (1)

Šalis ZW

Adresai (1)

Šalis TZ

Gimimo data (1)

Gimimo data

Asmens tapatybę patvirtinantys dokumentai (1)

Tipas Individual Passport Number: 290060361Y34

Pateisinimas (2)

There are reasonable grounds to suspect that Sanyatwe is responsible for the commission of serious human rights violations by military personnel in the National Reaction Force involved in the crackdown on an opposition protest carried out on 1 August 2018 leading to the deaths of six people by virtue of his role as Tactical Commander of that force at the relevant time. As such, he has undermined the rule of law in Zimbabwe.
There are reasonable grounds to suspect that Sanyatwe is responsible for the commission of serious human rights violations by military personnel in the National Reaction Force involved in the crackdown on an opposition protest carried out on 1 August 2018 leading to the deaths of six people by virtue of his role as Tactical Commander of that force at the relevant time. As such, he has undermined the rule of law in Zimbabwe.

Istorinė data

Vardai/Pavadinimai (2)

Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 28.02.2022 05:16)
Pavardė/Vardas Sanyatwe
Vardas/Pavadinimas Anselem
Antrasis vardas/Vardas Nhamo
Visas vardas/Pavadinimas Lieutenant-General Sanyatwe Anselem Nhamo
Tipas Pagrindinis slapyvardis
Apibūdinimas (1) Zimbabwe Ambassador to Tanzania (2) Formerly Brigadier General, Commander of the Presidential Guard and Tactical Commander of the National Reaction Force
Pastaba Lieutenant-General
Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 18.03.2022 15:15)
Pavardė/Vardas SANYATWE
Vardas/Pavadinimas Anselem
Antrasis vardas/Vardas Nhamo
Visas vardas/Pavadinimas Anselem Nhamo SANYATWE
Tipas Vardas
Apibūdinimas (1) Zimbabwe Ambassador to Tanzania (2) Formerly Brigadier General, Commander of the Presidential Guard and Tactical Commander of the National Reaction Force

Tautybės (1)

Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 28.02.2022 05:16)
Šalis ZW

Adresai (2)

Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 28.02.2022 05:16)
Šalis ZW
Pilnas adresas Harare Zimbabwe
Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 28.02.2022 05:16)
Šalis TZ
Pilnas adresas Tanzania

Gimimo data (1)

Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 28.02.2022 05:16)
Gimimo data

Asmens tapatybę patvirtinantys dokumentai (1)

Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 28.02.2022 05:16)
Tipas Passport Details: *****
Atkurta: 26.10.2024. 05:15
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