Sankcijų sąrašai
24.10.2024 04:30:05

Delcy Eloina Rodriguez Gomez


Tipas Individas
Lytis Moteris
Sąrašo pavadinimas Jungtinė Karalystė
Programos (1) Venezuela
Įtraukimo į sąrašą data (1) 26.06.2018
Pastaba President of the National Constituent Assembly

Vardai/Pavadinimai (2)

Pavardė/Vardas Rodriguez Gomez
Vardas/Pavadinimas Delcy
Antrasis vardas/Vardas Eloina
Visas vardas/Pavadinimas Delcy Eloina Rodriguez Gomez
Tipas Vardas
Apibūdinimas Vice-President of Venezuela
Visas vardas/Pavadinimas Delcy Eloina Rodríguez Gómez
Tipas Ne lotyniškas raštas

Gimimo data (1)

Gimimo data

Pateisinimas (3)

Vice President of Venezuela, acting Minister of Economy and Finance, former President of the illegitimate Constituent Assembly, and former member of the Presidential Commission for the illegitimate National Constituent Assembly. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that her actions on the Presidential Commission and then as President of the Constituent Assembly have undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, including usurping the powers of the National Assembly and using them to target the opposition and prevent them taking part in the political process.
Commander in Chief of the Venezuelan Bolivarian National Army and Chief of the General Staff to the Commander-in-Chief.Former General Commander of the Venezuelan Bolivarian National Army and former Commander of Venezuela's Comprehensive Defence Region of the Central Zone (REDI Central).Responsible for serious human rights violations by forces under his command during his tenure as General Commander of the Venezuelan Bolivarian National Army, including the use of excessive force and the mistreatment of detainees.Has targeted the democratic opposition and supported the use of military courts to try civilian protestors.
Vice President of Venezuela, acting Minister of Economy and Finance, former President of the illegitimate Constituent Assembly, and former member of the Presidential Commission for the illegitimate National Constituent Assembly. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that her actions on the Presidential Commission and then as President of the Constituent Assembly have undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, including usurping the powers of the National Assembly and using them to target the opposition and prevent them taking part in the political process.

Istorinė data

Vardai/Pavadinimai (2)

Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 28.02.2022 05:16)
Pavardė/Vardas Rodriguez Gomez
Vardas/Pavadinimas Delcy
Antrasis vardas/Vardas Eloina
Visas vardas/Pavadinimas Vice-President Rodriguez Gomez Delcy Eloina
Tipas Pagrindinis slapyvardis
Apibūdinimas Vice-President of Venezuela
Pastaba Vice-President
Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 26.03.2021 05:15)
Pavardė/Vardas Rodriguez Gomez
Vardas/Pavadinimas Delcy
Antrasis vardas/Vardas Eloina
Visas vardas/Pavadinimas Rodriguez Gomez Delcy Eloina
Tipas Pagrindinis slapyvardis
Apibūdinimas Vice-President of Venezuela

Gimimo data (1)

Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 28.02.2022 05:16)
Gimimo data

Asmens tapatybę patvirtinantys dokumentai (1)

Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 28.02.2022 05:16)
Tipas Further Identifiying Information: President of the National Constituent Assembly
Atkurta: 24.10.2024. 03:15
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