Sankcijų sąrašai
20.10.2024 03:55:39

Hossein Maroufi


Tipas Individas
Lytis Vyras
Sąrašo pavadinimas Jungtinė Karalystė
Programos (2) Iran
Iran (Human Rights) Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 14.12.2023 13:15:26)
Įtraukimo į sąrašą data (1) 14.11.2022

Vardai/Pavadinimai (2)

Pavardė/Vardas Maroufi
Vardas/Pavadinimas Hossein
Visas vardas/Pavadinimas Hossein Maroufi
Tipas Vardas
Apibūdinimas Deputy Co-ordinator of Mobilization of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Sistan and Baluchistan Province 
Visas vardas/Pavadinimas حسین مروفی
Tipas Ne lotyniškas raštas
Pastaba Language: Persian

Pateisinimas (2)

Hossein MAROUFI is an involved person under the Iran (Sanctions) Regulations 2023 because: he is and has been involved in the commission of serious human rights violations in Iran, namely being responsible for, engaging in, providing support for and promoting serious violations with respect to the right to life and the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly in Iran through his role as the Deputy Co-ordinator of Mobilization of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in Sistan and Baluchistan Province and in the suppression of protests.
Hossein MAROUFI is an involved person under the Iran (Sanctions) (Human Rights) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 because: he is and has been involved in the commission of serious human rights violations in Iran, namely being responsible for, engaging in, providing support for and promoting serious violations with respect to the right to life and the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly in Iran through his role as the Deputy Co-ordinator of Mobilization of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in Sistan and Baluchistan Province and in the suppression of protests.

Istorinė data

Vardai/Pavadinimai (1)

Statusas Istorinis (paskutinį kartą aktyvus 14.12.2023 13:15)
Pavardė/Vardas Maroufi
Vardas/Pavadinimas Hossein
Visas vardas/Pavadinimas Hossein Maroufi
Tipas Vardas
Apibūdinimas Deputy Co-ordinator of Mobilization of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)Sistan and Baluchistan Province
Atkurta: 20.10.2024. 03:15
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